We are the Light
We are the Light

We are in the Light

We are in the Light

November 4, 2001
"For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness who has shown in our
hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
2 Cor. 4:6
Jesus spoke to them, saying, " I am the light of the world; he who follows
Me shal not walk in the darkness but shall have the light of life." John 8:12
I dreamed that many children were going into this school.
Hundreds of these children were already in this school/church. Alyssa (my oldest daughter)
asked me where to go and I told her to look for her 3rd grade class. There were different
classes for each level of the child but not by age, by skill level. I wondered where
I was suppose to be and then someone told me that these children were being raised up and
taught the principles of spiritual warfare. It continued that my place was outside.
I went outside to find a mass of people praising and worshiping the Lord.
I joined in. I began to see this light, a liquid light illuminate us.
We were part of the light and the light was in us. During our praise and worship our
spirits began to lift up and fly with the light into the darkness. The liquid light was
going before us and lighting our way.
The Lord told me that He was taking the enemies territory and we were
storming the enemies gates. We were flying and running through dark nooks and crannies
and narrow spaces that dark beings resided. The second the light hit the darkness
in front of us, theses beings would scatter like bats. I remember feeling how effortless
it was to fly and worship and see the darkness leave and I realize that is wasn't me
but the Holy Spirit doing the battle.
In the center of the enemies camp was a large black tree where many large
black beings resided. I had to sway my head way back to see the top of the tree.
The black branches were all twisted and knotted. When the light hit the tree it
started from the bottom of the tree and moved up. The black beings left the tall tree
like a flock of birds. The tree turned from blackness to golden branches that moved
and bent into a throne. Then in unison we stood at the base of the tree and said
"Here is your throne oh God and we will worship You."
I woke up to me raising up out of bed and spontaneously going to run up and
down the hallway worshiping the Lord but I stopped myself. I woke up to the presence
of the Lord in my bedroom. So I knew something awesome was going to happen in church
that day. I walked into to church about ready to burst!
The next day the presence of the Lord came down in church.
As I walked in I was about ready to burst. I knew God was already there. From that
time on, I felt that God was getting ready to do a mighty thing and it was going to
involve children. I told a few people and some wouldn’t talk with me about it.
But I believe that there is a confirmation.

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