


July 25, 2002

I dreamed that my husband and I were at the mall. Everyone there was running toward these huge free pieces of chocolate cake. I started running but realized how stupid it was like it was bait. So instead of running to get in line I just ran around the crowd. My husband gets a piece of cake. Then we met each other on the other side of the crowd. After that he seemed normal but we started fighting. We were fighting really loud and he wanted to know why I didn't eat the cake and I said it wasn't worth the pushing and shoving... So we walk on in this familiar imaginary mall that does not exist and suddenly we are in up one of its towers. We are in a cell. There are two other people there besides my husband and I. My husband turns on me and starts to attack me. He has fangs and his eyes are not his anymore but they are snakes. He said "you told me you wanted this" and starts to bite my neck" I scream and try to poke his eyes out and then I said "in the name of Jesus" you have to get off of me, I plead the blood of Jesus" and immediately in matrix style he leaps off of me angry. Another women comes in, she is the mother of one of the others and when she comes in she is trapped and they kill her. I get out. The scene changes and we are going somewhere in a car (my husband and I) he stops at a house I do not know and he says that it is a co worker, who doesn't exist in real life. He tells me to come in with him. I say no. He insists and suddenly I have no shoes on but I am running from him and these vampires. I think he is cheating on me. I have no money either but when I get into this restaurant I suddenly have shoes and money in my purse. I slip on the sandals and tell them what happened. They think I am a minor I say no I am 30. They tell me (all these patrons in this restaurant) that I need to repent of something. I don't know now but I did and then I could see into spirit realm. They then called my pastor from my church. On the way home I see all these little children in black following us. We go by my childhood home and my home is surrounded with these black beings. Some little children follow the car, (they all look to be about 3 or 4 years old, they are all cute in black feathers) but when we sing worship songs they would vanish. We get to my pastors house and he tells his wife and things start missing there like money, linens and things move. Then I get the feeling that I am safe nowhere.

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